Versão em Português

Marco "Kiko" Carnut

Recents Posts in English
Date up Title
13-jul-2008 19:56   Adding a larger antenna to a WGR614 Wifi Router  
17-may-2008 14:08   The Debian OpenSSL Predictable Random Number Generator Vulnerability  
24-mar-2008 21:49   One month later...  
24-feb-2008 21:31   Advances with the Power Glitch Monitor  
17-feb-2008 22:48   Lunar Eclipse this Wednesday  

I'm a computer security consultant living in Recife, northeastern Brazil.

My technical interests revolve around networking and computer security, firewalls and intrusion detection systems, log analysis, cryptography and public key infrastructures. As a computer geek, I'm also into systems administration, operating systems, programming languages, retrocomputing, emulation, computing history, electronics, and other obscure things you'll learn as you go deeper in the site.

You can see my list of publications, courses, invited talks, professional certifications, and even my geek code. If you want to send me secure email, get my PGP Key (S/MIME sucks, really). Ordinary email also works -- although I may take some time to answer.

There's a truckload of stuff I've accumulated in my hard disk over the years that I'll be gradually organizing and publishing here. Stay tuned.

Kiko > WebHome
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  O conteúdo deste site está disponibilizado nos termos de uma Licença Creative Commons, exceto onde dito em contrário.